- Avoid aspirin and aspirin-containing products for 10 days before surgery. Avoid pain relievers like Motrin, Advil, Aleve, and similar drugs for 2 days prior to surgery.
- Inform your surgeon of all herbal and other alternative drugs/foods that you take.
- You may be instructed to use a prescribed medication prior to your procedure.
- Notify the office as soon as possible if you develop an illness, such as a cold.
- Do not smoke. Smoking is harmful to wound healing and increases the chance of complications. If you do smoke, you should inform your surgeon and stop smoking for two weeks before your surgery.
- Do not bring valuables with you to the hospital or surgical center.
- Be sure to have someone with you who can take you home and be with you overnight after outpatient surgery.
- Do not wear makeup, including nail polish, to the operating room.
- It is generally required that you not eat or drink after midnight before surgery.
- If you are having surgery in the head and neck area (facial surgery, especially) be sure to shampoo the morning of surgery.
- If you are having surgery on the abdomen, you should take a clear liquid diet for the day before surgery. If you have any questions, ask your surgeon.
- Ask your doctor about using your regular medications before surgery.
- If you have been requested, please bring special garments to the operating room, such as a bra for patients having breast surgery and pressure garments for patients having liposuction.