Case Log Examples

Traditional Fellowship Case Log Example

Head and Neck Reconstruction: Head and Neck Congenital Defects; Head and Neck Neoplasm Head and Neck Trauma 170 385
Breast Reconstruction: Breast Macromastia; Absent Breast; Other Deformities of Breast 124 377
Hand and Upper Extremity: Hand and Upper Extremity Requiring Recon.; Tendon; Nerve Injury; Fracture or Dislocation; Dupuytren’s Contracture; Nerve Compression; Arterial Insufficiency or Amputation; Other Deformity or Disease 122 561
Trunk: Wound or deformities of trunk 25 222
Lower Extremity: Lower Extremity Wounds and Deformities 25 47
Integument: Integument Burns; Lesions of the Integument; Wounds and Other Lesions of the Integument 24 132
Total Reconstructive Procedures 490 1,742
Head and Neck Aesthetic Deformities: Facelift; Browlift; Blepharoplasty; Rhinoplasty 50 125
Breast Aesthetic: Breast Augmentation; Fat Grafting; Mastopexy 30 69
Truck/Extremity Aesthetic Deformities: Brachioplasty; Abdominoplasty; Body Lift; Thighplasty; Suction Assisted Liposuction 50 96
Total Aesthetic Procedures 130 290
Method Groups: Microvascular/Free Tissue Transfer; Tissue Expansion; Suction Assisted Lipoplasty, Use of Injectables; Laser 100 200
Total Procedures 720 2,214